4 Downsides To Living a Frugal Lifestyle To Save Money (2024)

4 Downsides To Living a Frugal Lifestyle To Save Money (1)

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Most experts will tell you that living within your means is ideal. But too much of a good thing can go south, especially if you’re taking your penny-pinching to the extreme.

Although being frugal can help you improve your financial health, according to Ann Martin, director of operations of CreditDonkey, it can sometimes take a toll on your mental health.

“Unfortunately, many people become spending-phobic in their quest to live a more frugal life, which can lead to anxiety around money,” she explained. “In the worst instances, people may become overly hesitant to spend money on even essential items, which can lead to a lower overall quality of life.”

Below are some of the downsides to living an overly frugal lifestyle.

It Costs You Time

“Frugal living takes time and effort,” said Janita Grift, frugal living expert and owner of Frugal Fun Finance. “For example, if you commit to using a price comparison app such as Flipp, you’ll need to spend time finding the cheapest price on each grocery item.”

She noted that while being frugal is well worth the effort, it’s easy to take it too far.

“Personally, I avoid taking frugality too far by choosing to only compare prices on staple items like bread and milk,” she said. “Additionally, I only compare prices for two grocery stores instead of three, four or more.”

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It Can Cost You Relationships

Saving money often means making sacrifices, including setting a hard budget for leisure and dining, said Grift.


“If you’re extremely frugal and decline a friend’s invitation for dinner multiple times, it can put a strain on the relationship,” she explained.

While there’s nothing wrong with cutting down on non-essential expenses, she said it’s important to find a balance between being cheap and frugal. “I personally find balance by creating a budget for dining out and tracking how much I make per month, so I know how much I’m allowed to spend on non-essentials.”


Jill Lamar, a licensed therapist at Thriveworks, noted that this pattern of extreme penny-pinching can ultimately also affect your parenting and marriage.

“Frugality often means saying no not only to yourself, but to a partner and children,” she explained.

“Most kids have a difficult time understanding why their friends can afford something they can’t,” she said. “Pouting and temper tantrums may occur. Kids — and many adults — often fail to grasp the concept of delayed gratification, and budgeting may require completely forgoing things you or they hoped or planned to have or enjoy.”

She explained that a partner used to a higher-end lifestyle may bristle when belt-tightening is necessary — for example, belt-tightening that means a staycation rather than a cruise and dinners in rather than out.

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It Can Cost You More Money in the Long Run

“I used to buy the cheapest clothing and kitchen tools,” said Grift. “However, Istopped doing this because it cost me more money in the long run.”

For example, she said she bought a cheap $30 frying pan that kept wearing out, and she eventually had to keep replacing it every year.

“If I had instead spent $100 on a frying pan that lasts an average of 10 years, I would have saved $200,” she said.

David Kemmerer, CEO of CoinLedger, agreed that this can end up costing you big. “One downside can be needing to replace cheap appliances and materials around your home. In this case, it’s usually best to spend a little more money on good quality items that will last.”

He said replacing things frequently means your frugal living is actually costing you money. Another area where these downsides emerge would be in terms of quality of life.

“Sometimes, people take frugal living to an extreme where they feel unable to spend any money toward hobbies, entertainment, vacations, etc.,” he explained. “I think above all it’s important to strike a balance to combat some of these negative components of this lifestyle.”

It Can Have the Opposite Effect

According to Carter Seuthe, CEO of Credit Summit, extreme frugality is often not easily maintainable, so when people inevitably stop being frugal, they often end up settling for the opposite of frugality.

“It is kind of like how people will set crazy fitness goals for their New Year’s resolutions, work out really hard for a couple of weeks, and then end up not working out at all from February through the rest of the year,” he explained. “You have to be realistic with the goals you set, because it is difficult to maintain extremes but much easier to keep up with moderation.”

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4 Downsides To Living a Frugal Lifestyle To Save Money (2024)


4 Downsides To Living a Frugal Lifestyle To Save Money? ›

You may feel pressured to save every penny, and worry about every expense. You may also feel guilty or ashamed if you splurge on something, or if you fail to stick to your plan. Frugality can become an obsession, or even a compulsion, that takes over your life and makes you feel miserable. Continuously!

What are the downsides of frugality? ›

“One downside can be needing to replace cheap appliances and materials around your home. In this case, it's usually best to spend a little more money on good quality items that will last.” He said replacing things frequently means your frugal living is actually costing you money.

Why is being frugal a negative trait sometimes? ›

Frugality has a few potential drawbacks, including: You may have to spend a lot of time on it. Comparing prices and tracking your spending can take a lot of time.

What are the benefits of frugal living? ›

Life becomes more economical

The first benefit of frugal living is that you can have a more frugal living lifestyle because you will learn to reduce your impulsive spending. Apart from that, you will also tend to choose quality goods, even though they are expensive but durable.

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If you are too frugal, you may find yourself spending more money in the long run than you expected because of poor quality.

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This can require the use of different resources or new production, making it time-consuming and including additional costs. Another drawback is that the product may not sell. Frugal innovation does not guarantee that the product will sell better or effectively in the market.

Is frugality positive or negative? ›

Frugal and thrifty have positive meanings. They are usually used for someone who is careful about how he/she spends money and lives simply and economically. Miser and stingy have negative connotations and they refer to someone who is reluctant to spend money, no matter what the circ*mstances.

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No, frugal is a positive word for someone who likes to save money or resources, someone who can do more with less.

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adjective. practising economy; living without waste; thrifty. not costly; meagre.

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But if you're saving far more than necessary, you could be sacrificing other important aspects of your financial health, and that extra money could be put to better use elsewhere.

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causing unhappiness. Believe it or not, living frugally can actually make you happier than living lavishly. Living a frugal lifestyle isn't necessarily about pinching pennies and denying yourself things you want. It's about making your life easier and worrying less about money.

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“Frugal people, by nature of spending less money, often have more money in their savings accounts than non-frugal people,” he said. “I often see that frugal people prioritize emergency savings more than non-frugal [people].

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12 Tips for Frugal Living
  1. Choose quality over quantity. ...
  2. Prioritize value over price. ...
  3. Use credit wisely. ...
  4. Declutter regularly. ...
  5. Use a budget to guide your spending. ...
  6. Know the difference between wants and needs. ...
  7. Be a savvy consumer. ...
  8. Prioritize your values.
Oct 17, 2023

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Many wealthy individuals grew up with little or nothing, and the thought of returning to that state is a powerful motivator. So they hold onto their wealth with a death grip, even if it means being cheap in other areas of their lives.

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Financial freedom: Frugality leads to significant savings, reducing debt, and increasing your ability to invest, which can accelerate your journey to financial independence. Stress reduction: Living within your means and having financial buffers can lower stress levels and increase your sense of security.

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People who turn a modest financial base into wealth often do so by living frugally, saving regularly, investing wisely, and avoiding debt. By contrast, people who end up in a perpetual cycle of debt are often those who spend and borrow excessively to support an unsustainable lifestyle.

Does frugal have a negative connotation? ›

Thrifty, spartan, and prudent are synonyms for frugal, a word that often has positive connotations when used to describe a person who lives a simple life.

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In the modern-day, many children who have experienced their parents lose financial security can adopt extremely frugal habits. Excessive frugality can also be especially appealing when we are victims of confirmation bias or a pessimist financial mindset and are not aware of it.

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Disadvantages of budgeting

a budget could be inflexible, and not allow for unexpected circ*mstances. creating and monitoring a budget can be time consuming. budgeting could create competition and conflict between teams or departments.

What is extreme frugality? ›

The American Psychiatric Association defines frugality as a symptom of obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD) when someone “adopts a miserly spending style toward both self and others.” Extreme frugality is an amplified version of that, and it often involves viewing spending as a bad thing no matter how much ...

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